Monday, December 5, 2011

December is here!

 (Editor's note: I searched-and-replaced all the "<" characters with "d", for easier reading.)

Time seriously flies. I can't believe it's almost been 3 months. That's 1/8 of my mission done! Crazy. Thanks for the update on the insulin and stuff. Man I hope it doesn't freeze! Haha that would be bad. But I'm sure it'll be fine. Hey speaking of the Mastercard, I think I told you that my debit card doesn't work here. I've been rejected every time I've used it so far. So I'll just stick to the Mastercard. Just so you know, I'm buying boots and stuff today, but it shouldn't be too bad. Okay the "d" key on this keyboard sticks so bad so I'm not typing anymore d's haha I'll be here all day if i do. So I'll use <'s instead. This week was super good. We had the First Presidency Christmas devotional last night, it was great. President Monson's talk was awesome. I wish I would have gone to those things more often! The ward Christmas Party was Friday night, and it was way good. It was The Polar Express theme, and it was really well done. Canadians know how to celebrate! There were a ton of less-active members there and we had a couple of investigators so it was definitely a success. Wednesday night they had a mutual activity where they basically played fugitive. Normally we wouldn't be allowed to gto to something like that, but our investigator volunteered and asked us to go with him. So we did :) It was really fun. It was in a park a lot like Rosa Park, except about 4 times as big, and it's a ravine. So the youth had to get from one end to the other without getting caught, and the leaders and us had to catch them. It was a sweet. I forgot gloves though so my hands died haha. Funny story! Actually not so funny, but you'll probably laugh. So we went on exchanges from Tuesday to Wednesday afternoon. I was in another area, and wednesday morning was district meeting. Now usually, we're all 10 minutes early for the meeting. No one has ever been late before. But of course, we're running a little late that morning, and guess who was there when we walked in 10 minutes late? President Campbel himself! Haha it was terrible. He gently urged us to be on time haha. What're the chances! Other than that this week went pretty well. The weather has been great the past two weeks. The snow all melted and it was super nice! It's supposed to become winter weather this week though, so we're not excited. It snowed a ton two nights ago, and it probably won't melt. So it begins! Today is Pday feast again! Elder Guerin is going home in a couple of weeks so he's making spaghetti and all that good stuff for the zone at the church. President will actually be there too! I'll try to be on time haha. Hey I heard the NBA lockout ended! Nooooo. I was honestly hoping it would last all year, so I only would miss one season......oh well! But yeah that's my week! Not much else happened besides the usual. For Christmas, we have church at 9 (8 your time), and then we're going over to a member's house for breakfast, and then we can skype from there! Does that work? I'm not sure what time will work for me, I'll let you know when I find out. Hahahaha hey tell Sister Little she's the best and thanks for all she does! Yeah I'll probably email Doctor Olinghouse my info. I'm hoping to go to the doctor this month, so I'll let her know how it goes. Tell her thanks! Alright that's all I have for today. I miss you guys! Enjoy the holiday season it's the bomb!
Love you guys,
Elder Read
PS I have some pictures from the Christmas Party! The black guy is our Elder's Quorum President. He's a jamaican guy he's hilarious. And he's a SUPER conservative guy so his outfit is awesome. The other picture is me with Brother Burgess(on the left) he's in the bishopric, Brother Bowden our ward mission leader, and then Brother Depeiza again. They're awesome. Our ward is awesome! Note my long hair, that mop is getting cut today fasho. And then me in the Polar Express!

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