Hey Mom! And everyone else :)
So today
is the last day in the MTC, so they give us time (a lot of time,
actually) to write home! Cool eh? I've been spending the past week with
Elder Atwood trying to perfect my Canadian, he is a very good teacher. I
refuse to say rolls now. They're called "buns". And the bathroom is now
the "washroom". "Been" is now pronounced "bean", and "sorry" is now
"soary". Yes sir they're gonna be asking which province I'm from in no
Today we had both class sessions pretty early on, and we just
barely finished our last one, so I'm done! Now we spend the rest of the
day packing and studying. I have so much to squeeze into those suit
cases, but with the Lords help, I'll fit everything. Haha so today I got
to give a baptismal interview to one of our "investigators", and the
rest of the district watched from the other room. They have observation
rooms with a one-way window, so they could see and hear us but we
couldn't see. It went really well.
General Conference was sweet! Dad I listened to that talk and
it was exactly what I needed to hear. I was called to my mission for a
reason, I'm excited to get out there. You get so much more out of
meetings when you take notes! Seriously it's sweet. I really enjoyed
both Sunday sessions. Sister Dalton's talk was really good too. If you
haven't heard it, do it! Last night after Conference we went to the
Departure Devotional, and they basically just told us to make a good
impression for our Mission Prez and don't be stupid! I can handle that.
Then we had the Sunday Evening fireside and Chad Lewis and his wife
spoke. He played for BYU and then played 9 years for the Philadelphia
Eagles. I bet he's rich. And I am jealous. But it was a really good
talk, he spoke about losing ourselves in the work and letting our light
shine. He had some really cool stories too.
Tell me about life at home! Bryant better be emailing me
pretty quick here, and so should Geoff and Nicole! And Chris, I refuse
to reply to a letter that talked about nothing other than the fact that
you were writing me a letter...it was a good letter though don't get me
So Friday we had In-Field orientation. Which is basically Sit-on-your-butt-and-listen- to-them-talk-about-the- mission-field orientation. It was soooo fun! Haha longest day of my life.
Don't worry I've been taking pictures like you wouldn't believe! I
can't believe you would doubt me :) I just can't send them home unless I
print them out. The USB connector won't work on these computers, so
I'll send some home on my next Pday.
The other day I was eating raviolli with a spoon (don't ask me
why) and it got caught on my plate and flipped raviolli and the sauce
all over my Donald Trump tie that Geoff and Nicole gave me! I was so
mad! So now I have to wait until I'm in the field to dry clean it
because they were closed for conference. Ridiculous. Everyone is jealous
of my brown shoes. I knew these babies would come in handy :) I'm
wearing them as I speak!
So tomorrow I leave at 4 in the morning, which means I wake up
at like 3. Then we leave at 7, get into Denver at 8:30, then leave for
Edmonton at 9:00, and fly in at around noon. So hopefully sometime in
between those times I'll have time to call home. I'll do it somehow! But
be ready for a possible phone call any from around 4 in the morning on
:) I will not hold back just because you're asleep! So think of things
you want to say and write them down so that in your tired state we can
still have a civilized conversation. Transfers aren't until Wednesday,
so we'll probably stay at the mission home overnight. I'm hoping I have a
good first companion. Okay my time is up, so I will hopefully talk to
you tomorrow!
Love you guys!
Elder Read
does this baby make it onto a blog!? I'm famous :) Tell all your
friends about it so they can hear about my adventures in the land of the
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