Monday, October 24, 2011

Hey mom and family!
This week was pretty good. We had a lot of appointments fall through, which sucked. But that's nothing new haha. People are more than happy to schedule appointments if it means getting you off of their doorstep, and then they're conveniently not home when we come back! It's the best. One of the guys we came back to was upstairs when we rang the doorbell. He got up, peeked his head barely above the window to see who it was, and then then slowly crept back down hahaha it was hilarious. He was so sneaky we didn't even notice! We never do. But things are still going really well! I enjoy being with Elder Merrell. I've gone on a lot of exchanges this week because he's the District Leader, and every time I come back I'm so much more grateful for him hahaha there are some interesting people out there. We're teaching an East Indian family and they've been taught for a year now. They don't really understand the whole Priesthood authority part of baptism so it's a struggle to try and help them grasp the concept. We had a member come with us though and the lesson went really well. We invited them to be baptized, again, and they said it's something they think is important and that they're pray about it. Which doesn't sound like much but it's better than the answers they've given in the past. They're super cool though. All of the East Indians around here are really nice. And they're a million of them haha. So this week my diet was pretty terrible hahaha. Monday was Pday and we shopped at Costco so we ate there for lunch, then Tuesday was exchanges with the zone leaders so Elder Frazier and I went to Costco and had Poutine (Poo-teen) which sounds gross but it's actually delicious! They serve it everywhere here. All of the fast food places have it. It's french fries with gravy and cheese curds haha it's awesome! Anyways so that was about as unhealthy as it gets, then wednesday was district meeting so we went out for district lunch at A&W, then thursday our dinner appointment cancelled on us so they brought by pizza and cheesecake! Man I was in heaven! Then Friday we had more pizza and cheesecake, and then saturday was exchanges with the Spanish Elders and all of our appointments cancelled on us so we had a comfort blizzard from Dairy queen! It was much needed. Haha exhchanges with spanish was crazy. We went to a lot of member's houses and they just spoke spanish so I did a lot of smiling, nodding, and spacing out. But yeah Dad my ward's great! They're small but mighty. We're fed every night. If we don't have a dinner appointment we go over to the Ward Mission Leader's house. I never realized how important those guys are! And Garth Martinson is seriously the perfect guy for it haha. They save us. Sundays are super good. We wake up, go to 9am church, talk afterwards until 1pm, and then go home and study until 4 because we're usually studying from 8am-11am. So we study, then usually go to dinner, then visit less actives or potential investigators. Usually pretty low key I love it! Tell Nicole congratulations on the job that's great! That's a sweet schedule too. I wish I could've worked 9-5 M-F. That's my dream haha. No mom no package yet, but I'm alright so far. As long as it comes this week. Mail in Canada is seriously sooo slow it's crazy! So that's pretty much it for now! We've got to go get a coat and some boots. The weather sits just above freezing every day but the sun's still out. They're predicting snow some time next week. So I'm enjoying it while it lasts. Hey I need email addresses! So will you send me all of the family's? Including grandma read's. Okay we're leaving now.
Hey I found out how to send pictures! They're all from the mtc though. In the picture where we're all in street clothes my companions were Elder Atwood, who's in the green, and Elder Crockett who's to my left in the light blue with the glasses. But other than that I don't remember which ones I attached so if you have any questions about them then ask! I don't very many pictures from this area yet. Except the view from our apartment! Super cool. Plus the huge pig! That was dinner at a member's house. So good. Anyways that's all I have for now! Have a good week I love you guys!
Elder Read


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